SNP/CGH Microarray Digital Karyotype Analysis
HematoLogics offers a single platform to perform both SNP and CGH microarray analysis in a single test. This combination provides a more powerful look at chromosomal abnormalities than either alone. CGH (Comparative Genomic Hybridization) detects unbalanced chromosomal abnormalities (gains or losses in chromosomal material). SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) testing can identify LOH/UPD (loss of heterozygosity/uniparental disomy) as well as aid the detection of clonal evolution when combined with CGH analysis.
- SNP/CGH microarray combo for LOH and clonal evolution detection.
- Cell enrichment (clonal plasma, progenitor or lymphoid populations) for accurate analysis of aberrant cell sub-populations.
- Turn-around time in only 5-7 days.
- Myeloma/MGUS:
- Plasma cell enrichment is essential for determining genomic aberrations and prognostic risk association (see Zehentner et al AJCP Oct 2012).
- Enrichment using CD138 beads or CD38 flow cytometric cell sorting are both available at HematoLogics for different clinical applications.
- MDS:
- Detection of clinically relevant LOH (loss of heterozygosity regions); e.g. 7q LOH in cases with normal cytogenetic findings.
- Enrichment of CD34+ progenitor cells for increased detection sensitivity.
- CLL:
- Detection of gains and losses (potential substitute for FISH analysis).
- Detection of otherwise cryptic 11q deletions.
- Detection of otherwise cryptic, clinically relevant micro-deletions and duplications.
- Prognostic categorization of 13q deletions.
- Cell enrichment (if needed) utilizing CD5/CD19 flow cytometric cell sorting.
- AML and other leukemias:
- Detection and monitoring of clonal evolution.
- Detection of otherwise cryptic LOH regions and micro-deletions/duplications.
- Detection of masked hypodiploidy for accurate prognosis in ALL.
Microarray Sample Cases:
Case 3: